This Town, Daily – Canton MS

BIG news coming out of Mississippi – The run-off election between Cochran and his tea party opponent McDaniel has ended with the incumbent Cochran taking a strong win. This long-standing republican may have black democrats to thank? That is one heck of a story to take into work today in Canton, Mississippi. We cracked The Clarion Ledger paper first thing this morning and found that story right on the front page.


Photo Credit: AP

We would like to introduce you to the “This Town, Daily” articles. Each day, the crew here at will use our web service to gather and process information about a given town, city, or zip code. Then we write up a brief overview about the unique wonderfulness each place in America has. Remember, you can do this yourself for any town. We suggest starting with your hometown to get the feel for our service. Check out this article, then head on over to our website and look at your own hometown. Don’t forget to make your homepage before you leave!

Let’s get this day started neighbors and friends!

So you’ve gotten your daily dose of political gossip with your coffee this morning before even leaving the house. Ooops! You forgot to check the traffic this morning and there is an accident. Could’ve avoided that if you checked the traffic report with The incident seems cleared now, but if you were travelling early this morning you may have gotten stuck for a while. Make sure that we are your first stop every morning to prevent issues like this.

Your weather today in Canton is going to be muggy, so try and stay indoors. That southern heat can be a monster, especially with those thunderstorms coming in today. We know that weather, its the same at our headquarters!

All in all, you’ll be fine for a leisurely Wednesday. Hump Day can shape up to be an even better day than yesterday with the FIFA Cup heating up and America in a tight spot after last nights games.

Now, for dinner, you are going to have a hard choice if you are planning on going out, which of course you should. On the one hand you have the Ms. BBQ joint. This is a great dive with awesome looking food. If we are stopping by somewhere on the way home, this is definitely the spot. If you are looking for more of a “fine dining” establishment then the place to be, for the same style of true Mississippi flavor, is the Two Rivers Restaurant. Sit down here for a spell and enjoy a wonderful experience.

pork loin ribs

(Left) Bacon Wrapped BBQ Porkloin from Two Rivers, (Right) Spicy BBQ Ribs and beans from Ms. Bar-Be-Que

Don’t forget to always plan your day with!

“411US.Info is a website designed to bring you the most trusted information on both your national and local levels. We are the hub you need to use in order to increase your daily success. Stop blindly searching the web. will get you interconnected information flowing from the tip of your fingers into your web browser and you will be able to compare all the data we provide!”

A Better Day GIF


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This Town, Daily – Irving NY

Join us today in the lovely town of Irving, New York. We’ve got to say, if this place has anything, its true character.

We would like to introduce you to the “This Town, Daily” articles. Each day, the crew here at will use our web service to gather and process information about a given town, city, or zip code, and write up a brief overview about the unique wonderfulness each place in America has. Remember, you can do this for any town. Check out this article, then head on over to our website and look at your own hometown. Don’t forget to make us your homepage before you leave!

Photo courtesy of “”

Good morning, everyone! Grab your coffee and head on over to Today we are stopping by Irving in New York state. On your morning commute, the roads are fine and clear. The Google traffic mapping and street view that we launched from the 411US platform have both reported that the roads are in good condition and the commute is moving along smoothly.

Now we know it is only Tuesday, but be on the lookout this Saturday for a wine tasting at the Our Lady of Mercy Parish. This event is a fundraiser for the program “Fruit of the Vine.” So go out, have a great time, and enjoy lovely locally made wines. We found this story at TheDailyNews Online, a great source for anyone living in Irving to keep up to date on the local goings-on. We’d also like to direct your attention to the official page where the Hurricane Sandy relief project is being heavily demonstrated for your use. The people of Irving, living on the coast of Erie, are sure to be able to make great use of this program.

But now that we are caught up on the news, lets figure out what is for lunch, shall we? Yelp has some great local reviews. We are thinking that going to Aunt Millie’s Kitchen would be a wonderful idea. Five Stars on and man does the food look great. Get me a coke and one of these Buffalo Wing sandwiches and I’m ready to get back to the 9-5 grind!

Photo courtesy of

So now you’re back to work and the hum of the air conditioner on this warm day in Irving cranks along. You need something to listen to, get you to the drive home. You better have gone out to one of the dozens of shows of local and touring bands and grabbed a CD or hit iTunes for some downloads. has pictures from what seems to be a raging underground music scene. We’d love to be there. If the music isn’t your thing, head next door to Angola and leave a little early from work, to catch the 4:30pm showing of “22 Jump Street” at the New Angola Theater. Don’t forget the popcorn!

Have a wonderful day, don’t forget that if success is your goal, then is where you need to go!

“411US.Info is a website designed to bring you the most trusted information on both your national and local levels. We are the hub you need to use in order to increase your daily success. Stop blindly searching the web. will get you interconnected information flowing from the tip of your fingers into your web browser and you will be able to compare all the data we provide!”

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Short, But Sweet, Visit to VTC Virginia Tech Carilion

VTC photo 1From a distance – driving the interstate, walking the dog on The Roanoke River Greenway, or in an occasional news piece – I have seen the VTC, the partnership of Virginia Tech and Carilion Clinic , sprout in Roanoke.

I saw an invitation on Facebook from The Roanoke Valley Chapter of the Virginia Tech Alumni Association for a presentation and tour June 17, 2014 of the VTC. (Officially, tongue-tying-ly, The Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine and Research Institute.)

I don’t normally make time for extra meetings, and I already had another commitment scheduled at 7 PM the same night, but intense curiosity got the best of me and I (and my wife) decided to go.

After Google-Maps street-viewing my way into this unexplored new area in a previous-life explored one, we found a very nice event hosted by VA Tech alumni from the Roanoke and Smith Mountain Lake chapters (and the university), and the VTC.

The presentation was excellent – very impressive presentations, by very impressive people leading the charge. (Engaging, informative presentations by Mrs. Ellen Wade, Dr. Cynda Johnson, and Dr. Michael Friedlander.)

My summary – VTC is:
• Working in these major areas:

  • Neuroscience
  • Cardiovascular
  • Cancer and immunology

• Bringing extraordinarily-gifted people in from around the country, and the world.
• Merging Medical, Technology, and Patient care.
• Studying, solving by problem/project , rather than by discipline – bringing several disciplines to bear to solving a problem, together.
• Studying and determining how to deliver and distribute healthcare solutions.
• A public-private partnership of excellence among Virginia Tech, Carilion, and very bright people coming in to work on the challenges of medical research, technology and healthcare delivery.
• Funded by Carilion, VA Tech, philanthropic individuals and now from research grants and private donors.

On its website, VTC describes itself as (my cliff-notes summary):
A bridge created from Virginia Tech’s world-class strength in basic sciences and engineering, with Carilion Clinic’s highly experienced medical staff and rich history in medical education.

This is of great benefit to:
• Roanoke, Southwestern Virginia, and the Commonwealth of Virginia for the economic impact.
• More importantly, for healthcare, and for patients – locally, in Virginia, and the U.S. Worldwide, really.

Because of my previous commitment, I had to rush out after the presentation portion, and skip the detailed tour. Perhaps another time.

For me, this was a real (non-driving, non-dog-walking) eye-opener.

VTC is a magnificent endeavor in healthcare.

Glad I went. Glad they came.

-Jerry Guzi

Jerry Guzi is Founder and President of and Burris Computer Forms

Brief panoramic view:


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Think Internet and Facebook Commenters Today Are Harsh? Try de Balzac


Profile Pic. Honore de Balzac

“Bureaucracy is a giant mechanism run by pygmies.” – Honore de Balzac

This may seem harsh, and is.
Bureaucrats, be not dismayed.

De Balzac had gnarly words for others also.







Marriage: No man should marry until he has studied anatomy and dissected at least one woman.

Capitalists: Behind every great fortune lies a great crime.

Utopians: Equality may perhaps be a right, but no power on earth can ever turn it into a fact.

Miss Manners: Courtesy is only a thin veneer on the general selfishness.

Men: A man is a poor creature compared to a woman.

Women: When women love us, they forgive us everything, even our crimes; when they do not love us, they give us credit for nothing, not even our virtues.

Husbands: The majority of husbands remind me of an orangutan trying to play the violin.

Wives: A young bride is like a plucked flower; but a guilty wife is like a flower that had been walked over.

Brokers: I do not regard a broker as a member of the human race.

Marriage: Marriage must incessantly contend with a monster that devours everything: familiarity.

Young women: At fifteen, beauty and talent do not exist; there can only be promise of the coming woman.

Old women: Children, dear and loving children, can alone console a woman for the loss of her beauty.

Money: Finance, like time, devours its own children.

Youth: For passion, be it observed, brings insight with it; it can give a sort of intelligence to simpletons, fools, and idiots, especially during youth.

With different timing, de Balzac could have become the Internet’s first flamer or troll.

          Jerry Guzi

Credit for quotes:

Honoré de Balzac (20 May 1799 – 18 August 1850) was a French novelist and playwright.Due to his keen observation of detail and unfiltered representation of society, Balzac is regarded as one of the founders of realism in European literature

Photo credit: Wikipedia, Honoré de Balzac on an 1842 daguerreotype by Louis-Auguste Bisson



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