How To Use While Traveling to Get Local Information

When you’re traveling for vacation, family, or just a fun road trip it helps to know a bit about the local area. You can use to get local information such as:

  • Weather
  • Traffic
  • Maps
  • TV Stations
  • Newspapers
  • and More

For this post we’ll talk about some of the links listed above as well as some unlisted ones. We’ll be using as an example vacation place.

Let the travels begin!

The Scenario

You and a few of your good friends have decided to go on a week-long vacation together in Orlando. As you’re unpacking in your hotel room you have a sudden realization: All of the maps and local information you had printed out was left on your kitchen counter and your friend with the extra key is unpacking their suitcase right beside you.

Even though you feel like you wasted time printing everything out, you know that you still have your handy laptop with set as your home page.

Once you’re unpacked you start up your laptop and type “” into the URL bar. You’re quickly redirected to the Orlando zip code and suddenly tons of local information is at your finger tips.

Traveling with Check WeatherFirst things first, you check the weather (you Weather Bug you!). Looks like it’ll be a pretty warm day! Good thing you packed plenty of T-shirts. Later on it’ll be a bit cooler so you’ll need that hoodie you packed.

Your next mission is to find out what the local the local TV stations are to keep your channel-flipping-friend happy and not browsing through all of the channels full of static.

Traveling with Find TV StationsUnder the Local Information menu on you click on TV Stations and a list of local TV stations appears in the center of the page. Quickly you click on the first TV Station listed and give your friend the channel to turn to. Finally, the static stops and a clear channel is playing.

However, you know this will only satisfy your friend for so long. Still under the Local Information menu you start your next mission to find a TV station that will keep your friend’s interest long enough for you to finish your local information search.

Clicking on TV Listings brings you to another website with the TV listings for your home zip code. Using the Orlando zip code from you easily change it to the TV listings to those for Orlando. Not even a minute later your friend has their favorite TV station playing and you’re free to continue your local information search.

Even though everyone is currently satisfied with unpacking and hanging around the hotel room you know they’re going to want to hit the town for dinner soon. Clicking Local Reviews takes you to the Orlando section of Yelp. From there you go into the Restaurant section and try to find something close with good reviews.

Traveling with Local Traffic InformationAh! You found something that looks good and it’s only a few miles away. Before you announce your great find to your friends you take a look at the Traffic under the Local Information menu. If things are too busy you might want to change your choice!

Fortunately the main intersection near you looks pretty clear (or as clear as you figure it will be for Orlando traffic). Time to release the good news about dinner!

The final step for tonight is to find out how to get from the hotel to the restaurant. Using the Transportation link on you’re taken to a site that’s full of public transportation information for Florida.

You find that the main bus company for Orlando is Lynx. After putting inĀ  your start and end destinations you find out where and when you and your friends need to meet up with the bus.

Finally you close all of your excess tabs and click on TV Stations one more time to clear it out of the center of the page.

Tonight is taken care of, but tomorrow brings a whole new adventure for you and your friends to tackle with a little help from

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