On the American Road to Obesity? Do These 10 things.

  1. Stop drinking sugar-sweetened beverages.  Just do it.
  2. LOSE:
    • The fat-attack snacks – potato chips, corn chips, tortilla chips.
    • The sugary baked stuff – cakes, cookies, doughnuts. Little Debbie may be little, but she’ll make you fat.
    • The bread and pasta and potatoes (except sweet potatoes).
      (I know, I LOVE these too. Love yourself more. Lose them.)
    • Fast Food – except salads, fruit.
    • Refined sugars, refined flour and starches drive up fat, weight and insulin levels. They make us fat, can make us diabetic.  Love ‘em, but leave ‘em.
  3. Weigh every day. I know, I know, THEY say “don’t weigh every day, only once a week.” I say, “Eat better. Eat less. Today. Weigh-in tomorrow.”  Every day.  Personal report card – tomorrow morning! Don’t worry about ups and downs. Just trend down, over time. Recommend using an accurate digital scale. Even better, one that also measures body fat %. (Consumer Search’s recommended: http://www.consumersearch.com/bathroom-scales/omron-body-fat-monitor-and-scale-hbf-400 )
  4. Change what you eat. Even more important than how much you eat, change WHAT you eat. Move from the bad stuff above to healthy fats, protein and vegetables. Eat lean meats , fish, eggs, beans, lentils, cheese, vegetables (lettuce, broccoli, tomatoes, greens). Snack on almonds, walnuts, carrots, celery, popcorn (very little butter, oil, salt; stove top, or microwave in your own paper bag). Some healthy whole grains (Oatmeal, shredded wheat, bran). If you must have some bread or pasta, use whole grain.
  5. For sweets, fruit- blueberries, bananas, pineapple.
    For treats
    , Light Chocolate Soy Milk – on ice or with bananas, almonds, ice, nuts, (even peanut butter or dark chocolate) blended into smoothies.
  6. Eat what you want. Be satisfied.
    Find what you like best out of the healthy half of foods.
  7. Energy balance: Eat better. Feel better. Eat less. Do more.
  8. When you’re ready, move on to eating less.
    (Be good to yourself, but discipline yourself. Tomorrow is weigh-in.)
  9. Bonus: Exercise for cardio, agility, mental and physical fitness.
    But don’t expect to lose weight by exercise alone.
    To paraphrase James Carville: It’s the food, stupid.
  10. When you’re ready, move on to exercising a little more. (Exercise – walking, running, resistance -brings physical, mental, cardio, mood benefits, all. Find what you enjoy, and do it.)

The road’s a marathon, not a sprint; a journey, not a destination.

Feel better. Look better. Be better.

-Jerry Guzi, 411US.info


Other reading:

Obesity could affect 42% of Americans by 2030, Nanci Hellmich, USA Today: http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/story/2012-05-07/obesity-projections-adults/54791430/1?csp=hf

Why the Campaign to Stop America’s Obesity Crisis Keeps Failing, Gary Taubes, The Daily Beast, Newsweek: http://www.thedailybeast.com/newsweek/2012/05/06/why-the-campaign-to-stop-america-s-obesity-crisis-keeps-failing.html

Food nutrition ratings by NuVal: http://www.nuval.com/Scores/List/?p=1&g=All&ssort=ASC

Popcorn, CBS News: http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-500368_162-57404129/popcorn-packed-with-antioxidants/

Theory behind Cardiologist Arthur Agatston‘s South Beach Diet : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Beach_Diet

Other Diets: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/weight-loss/NU00616/NSECTIONGROUP=2

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Toobin, Obama, and the Courts

CNN just had their legal analyst, Jeffrey Toobin, on.
He thinks President Obama is right to say what he did about the Supreme Court. (Unprecedented judicial activism, Obama says. Unprecedented bullying from his pulpit, I say.)
Toobin calls judges who question Obama “deranged”. I respect them both, but Toobin and Obama are both offbase on this.
Obama says his health care reform passed with an overwhelming democratic majority. It passed, barely – without a single opposition party vote, and with several oppositional votes by his own party members. Democracy subsequently replaced many of his supporters.
To its credit, CNN had a well-spoken attorney present an opposing viewpoint.
Toobin is smart, but opinionated so leftward he should report for MSNBC or Huffington Post, not CNN.
Obama is smart, but continues to trample constitutional property rights, religious freedom, and separation of powers.

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The Top Ten Reasons Newt Won’t Bow Out of the Race:

I like Newt Gingrich.

The Top Ten Reasons Newt won’t bow out of the race:

Source: Getty Images

#10. Big guy. Big ideas.
#  9. Having too much fun.
#  8. Loves a good debate.
#  7. Hates Mitt Romney.
#  6. Owes Tiffany’s.
#  5. No job openings for speakers-of-the-house.
#  4. Las Vegas casino owner Sheldon Adelson used to winning his bets.
#  3. Newt’s PAC: “Winning Our Future”. Duh, Winning!
#  2. Save stupid people from themselves.
……..(and the #1 reason Newt won’t bow out  of the race:)
#  1. Callista won’t let him stay home.


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The State vs. Religious Freedom

The first sentence of the First Amendment to our Constitution drew this line: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof ….”

The Obama Affordable Care Act/Health and Human Services crossed that line with its rule requiring employers’ health insurance plans to include contraception among free preventive health services.

The state has the right to restrict the activities of religions so that they do not have negative impacts on the rights of others. (“Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s …”) Religions cannot do some things: practice polygamy, or (in the extreme) burn witches.

Rather than considering examples of the government preventing harmful negative behavior, perhaps the ACA/HHS ruling is better compared to examples of the government enforcing special-interest groups’ preferred new behaviors:

A special interest — say, pork producers — thinks there should be free pork served daily for school lunches, and thinks every school — public, private, religious, even Jewish — should be required to provide it for their students, even if it violates their religious beliefs.

They have many reasons they think it’s a really good idea, and want it to be law; and they want the government to enforce it on everyone.

A special interest — say, the National Organization for Women — thinks there should be free birth control (etc.) for all, and thinks everyone, even Catholic organizations, should be required to provide it for their employees, even if it violates their religious beliefs. Supporters have many reasons they think it’s a really good idea, and want it to be law; and they want the government to enforce it on everyone.

( … and unto God the things that are God’s.”)

As to things like religious freedom, the bishops and the Catholic Church profess the sanctity of life — from beginning of life (even in the womb) to natural end of life. No euthanasia, no executions, no killing, no abortions. Not even birth control. Agree or not, these are religious beliefs that are extolled and preached consistently, sincerely, deeply.

Some say the Catholic bishops seek the right to deny others medical treatments they don’t validate.

How many organizations have administered more health and medical treatments for the sick around the world, regardless of status, income level, gender, age or nationality, than the Catholic church?

Probably not very many. It is ministering both physically and spiritually, following Christ’s teaching to care for the sick.

Denying others? Others can still get birth control other ways. It is a free country. The pill is ubiquitous; the church and its leaders should not be forced to provide and pay for something they are strenuously, morally opposed to.

Medical treatments they don’t validate? The bishops can speak for themselves, but I feel sure they see this as something very different from medical treatments.

Some are convinced the Catholic bishops seek to win a conflict of authority with powerful people in a public arena more than they seek to promote moral behaviors. I understand this viewpoint, but I believe one side wholly sees this as a political issue, the other wholly as a moral issue.

I am convinced the Catholic bishops see this as a sanctity-of-life moral issue.

I see it as an American issue, a basic freedom issue (sideshow acts since notwithstanding).

I believe the ACA/HHS ruling went way over the line, and now, its misuse exposed early, that the act should be repealed.


First published in The Roanoke Times, March 7, 2012.

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Why It’s Best to Read Several News Sources – Left, Right, Center – For Election News

– To stay informed on election polls, Republican primaries, and political news

Just today, three different news sources quote three different results of polling.

1. CNN goes with USA Today / Gallup Poll, says:

“Obama holds double digit leads over Romney and Santorum”


2. Drudge Report goes with Rasmussen Poll, says:

“Obama Approval at 45%, Lowest in Month — Falls Behind Romney, Paul…”

Says Romney and Paul BEAT Obama, but Santorum and Gingrich don’t:


3. The Daily Beast says:

“Santorum Beats Obama”

and says Obama and Romney tie.


Reading just one of these news sources would lead one to a certain belief of the state of the Republican campaign and of the eventual election against President Obama. It also would lead one to a view of how Romney, Santorum, Paul and Gingrich would do against Obama, perhaps persuading a hard-core Republican primary voter (read: Beat Obama no matter what!) to vote one way or the other.

That’s why it’s beneficial to skim several news sources, every day. I saw one of these on 411US.info today. It gave me the impression one way. Then I read another, and it gave me a different view. Then I saw a third poll (emailed to me), and it gave me a third view.

411US.info gives you several sources to look at, all quickly accessible from one website.

Go to National, News, and look at any of 7 news sites. Quickly scan the next. Go back to 411US.info, then to National, News and Opinion, and choose from 11 News and Opinion pages from across the political spectrum.

Try www.411US.info

  • Stay up with multiple websites.
  • Follow the candidates’ campaigns.
  • Learn about the candidates.
  • Read opinions.
  • See multiple polls.
  • Look up Fact Checks.

See it all. Be informed. Really informed.

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