Pros and Cons of Obamacare / ACA
Five good articles. 1. Launch a lead balloon? 2. Risk, rights? 3. Government to the rescue? Really? 4. Politics of Obamacare for D’s? 5. DOA, but do it anyway? -Jerry Guzi
Five good articles. 1. Launch a lead balloon? 2. Risk, rights? 3. Government to the rescue? Really? 4. Politics of Obamacare for D’s? 5. DOA, but do it anyway? -Jerry Guzi
1. Likely voters: Independents favor Romney 47%-45%. (D’s, R’s 91+ % for their candidate) Blacks favor Obama 94%-2%. (Whites, Romney 53–43) Women favor Obama 56-38%. (Men, Romney 52-42) [In spite of recent reported gains by Pres. Obama with swing-vote Catholics:] … Continue reading has announced the addition of links for Local Weather, Top National and Political News, and Travel Links for residents of, and visitors to, Nevada. Nevada citizens and visitors can use the websites for home, family, business and travel use … Continue reading has announced the addition of links for Local Weather, Top National and Political News, Weather, Food and Travel Links for residents of, and visitors to, New Hampshire. New Hampshire citizens and visitors can use the websites for home, family, … Continue reading has announced the addition of links for Local Weather, Top National and Political News, Weather and Travel Links for residents of, and visitors to, Colorado. Colorado citizens and visitors can use the websites for home, family, business and travel … Continue reading